Sampling and Water Research intended to for human consumption

Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to inform you that the Independent Research Laboratory STANLAB Sp. z o.o. once again, it was approved by the State District Sanitary Inspector in the field testing of water intended for human consumption and water samples in the field of research - in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 13 November 2015. on the quality of water intended for human consumption ( Dz. U. 2015. pos. 1989).


Protective Rights

Dear Sir or Madam,
our laboratory since March this year applied for a grant of a right of protection for trademarks: SL STANLAB and STANLAB . We hereby inform you that the foregoing marks have been registered in the European Union for . Intellectual Property (Law No. protective 015404502 and 015404544).
Protection rights have been granted to 26 August 2016 for a period of 10 years.

The new scope of accreditation

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce that on 21st June 2016 the Polish Centre for Accreditation as a results of the evaluation in the process of supervision has been decided to extend, upgrade and adjusting the scope No AB 819 for Independent Research Laboratory STANLAB LLC.

The new, expanded and updated edition can be found under Offer -> Laboratory tests or directly on the website of the Polish Centre for Accreditation.

The change logo

Dear Sir or Madam,
we are pleased to inform you that as of 1th June 2016 Independent Research Laboratory STANLAB LLC. applice new logo.
The example below:

This is related to the total redemption of shares in a German Laboratory Gissel Institut Laboratorium für Bakteriologie und Lebensmittelhygiene by dr Dieter Stanislawski. This Laboratory was changed name to SL STANLAB Sachverständigenlabor für Bakteriologie und Lebensmittelhygiene Dr. Dieter Stanislawski.
dr Dieter Stanislawski so is the owner of laboratories:
» SL STANLAB Sachverständigenlabor für Bakteriologie und Lebensmittelhygiene w Sehnde,
» Independent Research Laboratory STANLAB LLC. Bielawy, 89-100 Nakło nad Notecią.
Laboratories they will use common logo.


In the reference to the obtained awards in the Plebiscite Eagles Polish Enterprise, Mayor of Nakło nad Notecią, on behalf of the local government Municipality and himself on 22nd February 2016 he had given to Marek Hoppe congratulations for the promotion of the community, wishing to further development.

The new scope of accreditation

Polish Centre for Accreditation Decision on application laboratory, has been updated scope of accreditation AB 819.
B-side Version:
Laboratory of Chemical: p. 5/21 , 8/21 , 9/21 , 11/21 (amendments addressed the storage in the different matrices : total and digestible carbohydrates and energy);
Microbiological Laboratory : p. 18/21 (for Water - Clostridium);
and p. 21/21 (status changes).

The range is available in the section Laboratory tests and on the PCA.